Andreas Frank / AMLCFT


Andreas Frank AML/CFT* Expert, a University of Munich graduate in commercial studies, is a former Goldman, Sachs & Co. associate and a director at HSBC.

He has extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of international financial markets and corporate finance. For more than 20 years Frank is focusing on the fight against Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terror (CFT). As an AML/CFT expert he serves as an advisor to the Bundestag, the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Parliament’s PANA committee (Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion) as well as to the European Parliament’s TAX3 committee (Special Committee on Financial Crimes, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance).

Andreas Frank is a Steering Committee Member of the Parliamentary Intelligence‐Security Forum.

In the fight against money laundering and the financing of terror Andreas Frank is cooperating with IGOs, NGOs, national law enforcement agencies, and organization of the civil society. He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences on the AML/CFT.


“Der Kampf gegen Geldwäsche findet so gut wie nicht statt”
Deutsche Welle (DW)


Finanzexperten Dagmar und Andreas Frank:
So gefährlich ist Geldwäsche für die Demokratie

So gefährlich ist Geldwäsche für die Demokratie
Experten über das Clan-Urteil
Absoluter Freifahrtschein für Kriminalität
BZ 07-12-2023 /PDF


Andreas Frank, Geldwäsche-Experte: die seltsamen Finanzströme der Hamas.

Why the Mafia loves Germany Dw Deutsche Welle Logo PNG vector in SVG, PDF, AI, CDR format
Italian icecream parlors in Germany became the focus of raids against the mafia

Was läuft schief beim Kampf gegen GELDWÄSCHE?

Der Funkstreifzug
Money laundering paradise Germany – why criminals have an easy game

Germany is a paradise – for money launderers. Experts have been saying this for a long time now, and not just off the record. According to a scientific study, criminals launder 100 billion euros in this country every year – a very conservative estimate. Large sums of black money are stashed in real estate, jewellery and cars. Criminals use local banks for this and are usually ahead of the supervisory authorities. Experts say that the supervisory authorities function poorly or not at all. They are also sceptical about the proposal for a Federal Financial Criminal Police Office.
FROM: Arne Meyer-Fünffinger, Gabriel Wirth


9. Februar 2023 19:00 Uhr PZ Autorenforum/ Pforzheim

Andreas Frank und Markus Zydra präsentieren ihr Buch „Dreckiges Geld“. Wie Putins Oligarchen, die Mafia und Terroristen die westliche Demokratie angreifen“ Reservierung unter (07231) 933125.

Prostitution, Raub, Drogen, Terror, Menschenhandel, Umweltverbrechen. Sie lohnen sich nur, wenn Kriminelle Geldwäsche betreiben. Nimmt man Kriminellen das dreckige Geld, trifft man sie am härtesten. Doch Deutschland tut in dieser Hinsicht praktisch nichts. Die Autoren zeigen mit ihrem Buch, woran das liegt und was nun zu tun ist.   / Tickets

Grundsteuerreform verschont Geldwäscher
/ WDR 5
 WDR 5 Politikum – Gespräch

One must not reward criminal banks with privileges




US department of Labor (DOL)
Public Hearing Agenda
Proposed Amendment to the QPAM Exemption November 17, 2022

Andreas Frank / Application No. D–12022 Post Hearing Comment
Elizabeth Warren United States Senator / Tina Smith United States Senator
QPAM exemptions should be seen as privileges that have to be earned.
Criminality should not be rewarded.

Parliamentary Intelligence-Security Forum
23rd Parliamentary Intelligence-Security Forum – Washington, D.C., December 6-7,
Illicit Finance – Day 1
• Senator Larry Pressler, Former United States Senator
• Hon. Jerome Beaumont, Executive Secretary, Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence
• Hon. Andreas Frank, AML/CFT advisor for the Bundestag, Council Europe and the European Parliament ( 2:08min -2:19 minute) Speech/ PDF
• Prof. Celina Realuyo, Professor of Practice, William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, National Defense University
• Mr. Mariano Federici, Senior Managing Director, K2 Integrity


It’s about our democracy – Why Andreas Frank fights money laundering
Wed. 16.11.2022 19:05 SWR2 Tandem SWR2

Money laundering sounds rather harmless for a criminal process that causes enormous damage every day all over the world and also in Germany. Serious crimes go unpunished as a result, the community loses billions, property prices rise. Money laundering erodes democracy and impoverishes African states. It sounds exaggerated, but it is not. Andreas Frank can explain the connections. The former investment banker from Pforzheim has been researching the topic of money laundering for almost 25 years, and he has personally declared war on it. In the meantime, he is invited by the Bundestag or the Council of Europe as a consultant.


Zäher Kampf gegen Geldwäsche  : Presse-Text vom 13.08.2022 /


Parliamentarians from around the world to the 22st on July 7th – 8th at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest.

Cross-border funds transfer, transactions on virtual currency, trade-based money laundering are methods used by criminal organisations and terrorist financiers, posing a threat to societies while affecting state security. Illegal movements of money or capital should be carefully traced by authorities and cooperation needs to be enhanced in this direction. In this panel, we will discuss recommendations on preventing criminal financial activity in order to protect our economic infrastructure against predatory investment.

Speech Andreas Frank/ Bucharest or the 22st Parliamentary Intelligence

22NDParliamentaryIntelligenceSecurity Forum
Bucharest, Romania

68, 2022
Andreas Frank





— — — —

Dirty Money
Autoren:  Andreas Frank / Markus Zydra
Dreckiges Geld” published by Piper Verlag.




March 7th 8th, 2022


“Threat to Social and Economic Prosperity  / Vortrag/PDF / EU-7.3.2022.PDF



Suisse Secrets?
In January 2015, Andreas Frank testified at the US Department of Labor and provided evidence of Credit Suisse harassment on 4 continents.
Suisse Secrets – das ist das Leak

Parliamentary-Intelligence Security-Forum in Budapest

The Parliamentary Intelligence-Security Forum will help make the world a safer place for everyone through international collaboration among parliamentarians on security and technology issues.

Congressman Robert Pittenger Chairman, Parliamentary Intelligence-Security Forum presents:

Andreas Frank, AML/CFT advisor for the Bundestag, Council of Europe and the European Parliament (Germany)

Hon. Frank made remarks regarding illicit financial flows (IFF). IFF, as he explained, are illegal movements of money or capital from one country to the other. After that, he talked about the Taliban’s involvement in this practice and their sources of income, which includes:

  • Drugs – $560 million
  • Mining – $537 million
  • Extorsion and taxes – $215 million
  • Charitable donations – $322 million
  • Exports – $322 million
  • Real estate – $107 million He then went on to explain how corruption was the most serious threat to war on terror.
  • The US government has spent 20 years and $145 billion trying to rebuild Afghanistan
  • More on Afghanistan that the reconstruction of Western Europe after WWII
  • Reconstructing Afghanistan has been the largest expenditure to rebuild a single country in US history
  • 30% of the US taxpayers’ funds were misappropriated
  • Corruption has eroded the legitimacy of the Afghan government, limiting its effectiveness, and bolstering support to the opposing insurgency Afterwards, he changed the topic to talk a little about climate change. According to NATO, climate change is a threat multiplier. Then he made remarks regarding environmental crime, which is an ongoing war between autocracies and democracies. What needs to happen?
  • As an inherently transnational issue, global money laundering is perhaps the definite problem in cross-border crime
  • The G-7 founders of FATF must take lead again in strengthening and enforcing global norms
  • Implementation and enforcement of the AML/CFT norms need to be properly resourced

Parliamentary-Intelligence Security-Presentation.pdf

Finanzkriminalität: „Versagen in allen Bereichen“
Financial crime: “Failure in all areas”
“The reports of the Federal Audit Office are so remarkable because they confirm the failure of the responsible state bodies in all areas of the Money Laundering Act since it came into force in 1993”

Geldwäsche-Paradies Deutschland
Money Laundering Paradise Germany
Film by Robert Grantner
with AMLCFT Expert Andreas Frank

Warum nicht ran an die illegalen Schwarzvermögen?
Why not go after the illegal black assets?
Get the money launderers’ trillions. Alternatives to finance the Corona crisis!
Bundesanwalt Michael Lauber / Attorney General Michael Lauber
Anzeige wegen Begünstigung – Charges of favouritism – Second investigator appointed against ex-Attorney General
Second investigator appointed against ex-Attorney General Lauber Hat Bundesanwalt Lauber ein Strafverfahren verhindert? / Did Attorney General Lauber prevent criminal proceedings?  Charges of favouritism –
The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland left a complaint unresolved for three years. Now Attorney General Lauber is threatened with proceedings for possible favouritism.

Connection between Hybrid Warfare, Money Laundering and Offshore Structures
Was ist eigentlich Hybride Kriegsführung? What is Hybrid Warfare?
Police Seminar Kloster Banz 06.10.202 Hybrid Warfare /PDF

Andreas Frank in the tireless fight against money laundering.
Fake economy/ Scheinwirtschaft

Andreas Frank from Germany was focusing on the fight against Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terror (CFT)

Andreas Frank International Expert Anti-Money Laundering:
Rede im United States Senate 2019:
17th Parliamentary Intelligence-Security Forum in Washington.
Hybrid Warfare, Money Laundering, Offshore Structures


In his statement to the public hearing of the experts of the Finance Committee on the draft law on the EU Money Laundering Directive of the Federal Government, the money laundering expert Andreas Frank published a “Field report on offshore structures”. (Appendix A of the statement)
Erfahrungsbericht Offshore-Strukturen Stellungnahmen/ Statements / Press/PDF

Problem mit der Geldwäsche Bekämpfung/
Problem with the fight against money laundering/ Andreas Frank

Deutschlands Problem mit der Geldwäsche/ Deutschlandfunk
Kampf der Bundesregierung gegen Geldwäsche
Geldwäsche BekämpfungAnti Mafia Konferenz-
Andreas Frank, anti-money laundering consultant, spoke about how international crimes are only made possible by so-called “crime enablers” who offer offshore structures.

Strafanzeige gegen Ministerpräsident Oettinger/Lasche Geldwäsche-Bekämpfung /PDF
Criminal complaint against Minister President Oettinger/Lax money laundering

Vor der EU-Anhörung Oettingers Problem mit dem Thema Geldwäsche
Oettinger: Strafanzeige wg. Geldwäsche

Schäuble_Biografie/ Zwei Leben/ Kapitel 21




Korruption und Willkür in der deutschen Justiz



Alternatives for financing the Corona crisis!


Gegen Geldwäsche und Korruption _ Ein Rentner-Paar engagiert sich/ Audio

Against money laundering and corruption _ A retired couple gets involved/ Audio

Gegen Geldwäsche und Korruption _ Ein Rentner-Paar engagiert sich/PDF

Blütenrein – Wie bekämpft Deutschland die Geldwäsche?/ Audio

* AML/CFT Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism
Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche/Bekämpfung der Finanzierung des Terrorismus

See more about Andreas Frank / German